“Mel Solfi” an orphan of common birth, suffered from a fever as a child that turned her hair completely white. She was abandoned due to her parents’ immense debts and was eventually taken in by Norma.
One day, the Duke of Heaven, who was devastated by the loss of his youngest daughter, mistakes Mel to be his own daughter, “Bleria Charlotte Heaven,” due to their similar hair color.
However, the Duke’s desperate actions caused a stir in the village, and to cover up his tracks, the young Duke intervened. Damian Jeremiah Heaven, the young duke, ordered Mel to pretend to be his sister, Bleria, to prevent rumors of his father’s madness.
Thus, living as Bleria, Mel began to prepare for her engagement to Goper Isaac Alnaight, a noble of the Alnaight Dukedom…